The signature dish at Bouchée is similar to boeuf bourguignon except it uses short ribs, which create a more elegant presentation for individual servings....
Whole foie gras can vary in size (goose liver tends to be larger than duck). If your foie gras differs from the recipe by more than half a pound, increase...
The classic combination of tender pork, tart apples, and cider-braised sweet potatoes is a textbook meal for chilly days, especially when you're really...
When she was in her early 20s, my mother worked with a Frenchwoman named Jackie. One day, my mother mentioned that she was looking forward to trying a...
Coeur à la crème (cream heart) is a classic French dessert traditionally served with strawberries. This is adapted from a recipe in "Valentine Dinner...
A triple layer of crumbly crust, a truffle-like interior, and an almost patent-leather-shiny glaze make this tart the chicest take on chocolate we've come...
This recipe has been in the family of senior editor Randi Danforth for generations. Her great-grandmother bought penny sponge candy to take to the movies...
Cicoria is a standard cooked green on menus all over Italy-it has a pleasing bitterness that's offset by the richness of the oil it's sautéed in. Sadly,...
Whenever you're cooking tofu, here's one of our no-fail techniques: Draining the tofu, then squeezing out as much water as possible (without smashing it),...
Hams with a thick honey glaze can sometimes be too cloying. This recipe takes a more balanced approach that results in a light sweetness and a beautiful...
We make the shells for these tarts with packaged graham cracker crumbs to save time. If your brown sugar contains hard lumps, force it through a sieve...
Venison shoulder is the perfect cut for this dish because its lean meat and tough but tasty muscles respond perfectly to a slow braise. If you have difficulty...
Toss chopped endive, radicchio, fennel and roasted bell peppers with oil and vinegar for a pretty salad course. For the finale, offer poached pears drizzled...
In this luxurious dish, the marrow from slow-simmered beef shanks combines with pan juices and aromatic vegetables, creating a silky gravy perfect for...